
Solving Hair Loss Problems With A Simple Method

Solving Hair Loss Problems With A Simple Method

Are you one who constantly face hair loss problem? Be it washing your hair, brushing your hair, stroking your hair, combing your hair, or whatever you do with your hair, there will always be quite a bit of hair falling off. We can't help but wonder if we are suffering from any disease or not?

What is the cause of hair loss?

Typically, a human's will lose up to 70-100 hairs per day, which is caused by damaging of the hair roots and hair. So if your hair loss is not too much, don't panic just yet as it is still considered normal. But if the hair loss is unusually heavy, having more than 100 strands are lost on the day that the hair is not washed, or hair loss for several days in a row, now that may have to be investigated to see if it is caused by any of these reasons.

Internal factors that causes hair loss

Increase in age and hereditary hair loss, baldness

Lack of vitamins

Hormonal changes or abnormal immune system

Taking birth control pills, vaccinations, drug allergies, radiation or chemotherapy

Increased free radicals in the body

Stress or sickness with various diseases

External factors that causes hair loss

Weak hair root caused by blowing drying wet hair

Washing your hair with warm water regularly

Frequently changing of hair colour

Using a shampoo that not suitable for the your hair type

Staying under the sun for a long time

Losing weight incorrectly

There are plenty of other factors that may lead to damaged hair due to the difference in hair type for every individual. Which shampoo, conditioner or treatment should I choose? What vitamin supplements should I take? Let's find out more below.

5 ways to take care of your hair to solve the problem of severe hair loss

As we cannot avoid some factors that cause hair loss problems, these hair care methods are nourishing, can help reduce problems and slow down hair loss process.

1. Reduce or avoid using harmful processes on the hair.

Protecting your hair care is the first recommendation. Doctors and hair care experts suggests to reduce or avoid processes that may be damaging to the hair. Whether it's perming, straightening, dyeing, or bleaching your hair, because these chemicals will make your hair dry, damaged, and frizzy, making the hair roots lose balance. Other factors include using an electronic hair dryer to blow dry your hair while it's wet. When the hair is wet, the hair and roots are weak. If combing or wiping your hair vigorously, it will make your hair fall off the scalp easily.

2. Shampoo, conditioner suitable for hair and scalp condition

Use a proper shampoo and conditioner containing ingredients to directly care for hair type. It will help the hair and scalp to be nourished by good vitamins, keeping our hair healthy and extend the life of the hair roots and hair for a long time. It may even slow down hair loss. Take note when using a conditioner, do not massage the conditioner too close to the root of the hair. The silicones in the conditioner can clog your scalp and cause scalp and hair damage, leading to hair loss.

3. Hair loss specific formula treatment

In addition to using shampoo and conditioner, do not forget to replenishing nutrients directly to your hair by treating your hair at least 1-2 times a week. In order to manage hair loss better, it is advisable to choose a specific hair loss treatment as well as shampoo and conditioner to take care of hair problems, including restoring dry, frizzy hair to beautiful, black, shiny hair like before.

4. Vitamin supplements to nourish the scalp and hair.

Diet is another way to solve hair loss problem. Eating spicy food reduces the blood flow to the hair and leads to nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, you should reduce eating spicy food. Switch to hair supplementsIntake food that are high in protein and vitamins, such as eggs, meat, soybeans, almonds. These food helps to maintain long-lasting healthy hair and hair roots. Carrots, broccoli, avocados, sweet potatoes, etc, contains vitamin A, vitamin B5, 7, vitamin C, biotin, iron and zinc that nourishes the hair, reducing the chances of hair fall and have better healthy hair.

5. Add antioxidants

Free radicals are another major cause of hair loss. Free radicals will obstruct the function of various cells within the body, resulting in cell deterioration and shorter lifespan. High antioxidant supplements such as Roxburghii Plus helps slow down the deterioration of cells, extending the lifespan of the hair roots and hair.

These are easy ways to take care of your hair and see great results. Furthermore, if there is burning, redness, itching and peeling scalp as well, it is advisable to consult a specialist. With proper hair care techiniques, it will help reduce the problem of hair loss, thinning hair, restore them back to good health and beautiful as before.